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Workers’ Compensation and Insurance Fraud Defined

Workers’ Compensation and Insurance Fraud Defined

  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud  (85A O.S. 6(A)(1)(a))

    • WC fraud occurs when the subject makes a material misstatement, misrepresentation, or knowingly conceals material information with respect to any of the following:
      • A claim for payment or other benefits from an insurance policy.
      • Obtaining Workers’ Compensation coverage under the Administrative Worker’s Compensation Act.
      • Failure to report income to an employer, insurance carrier, or Third-Party Administrator while receiving Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits.
      • Presenting an altered or falsified certificate of Workers’ Compensation Coverage.
  • Insurance Fraud (21 O.S. 1662)

    • Presenting a false or fraudulent insurance claim or falsifying any supporting documents in an insurance claim for the payment of any loss.
    • Preparing or altering certificates, proofs of loss, or other writing with the intent to use it as support for a fraudulent insurance claim.