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Attorney General Hunter Applauds Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for U.S. Supreme Court

OKLAHOMA CITY – Attorney General Mike Hunter today released the following statement after President Donald Trump nominated Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I commend President Trump on his excellent choice of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the nation’s high court. With over 300 published opinions, Judge Kavanaugh has built a solid judicial record and is uniquely qualified to serve in this role. He has demonstrated throughout his career to be an impartial and fair judge, who rules based on the law, not politics or emotion. Judge Kavanaugh is a staunch defender of religious liberties and has a proven track record of preserving the separation of powers, threatened by overreaching federal regulatory agencies. To give just one example, I have argued many times that the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection created by the Dodd-Frank law is unconstitutional, and Judge Kavanaugh’s monumental opinion demonstrating the unlawfulness of that agency’s structure is the best legal analysis of that issue that exists today. I encourage the members of the U.S. Senate to work with haste to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”